Russian Pop Music on keyboard instruments

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  • Come to My House - Mikhail Krug
    Angels Don't Sleep - Mot
    Mother Earth - Petr Andreev
    Summer Rain - Igor Talkov
    Not Enough Fire - Maxim Fadeyev
    Student - Ruki Vverkh!
    Alyoshka - Ruki Vverkh!
    At Dawn - Oleg Parastaev
    Tank Man - Zhuki
    Bride - GlucoZa
    Sun of Monaco - Lucy Chebotina
    Mommy, I'm Dancing - #2Mashi
    Raspberry - Habib
    Winter Dream - Aleksandr Shevchenko
    Youth - Dabro
    Exhibit - Leningrad
    Doich - Hi-Fi
    Record - Aleksey Petrukhin
    The Star - Sergey Kuznetsov
    The Ninth Shaft - Igor Matvienko
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