Sergey Kharchenko

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  • Arrangements (7)
  • Hello! My name is Sergey Kharchenko.

    Here on the project are presented my arrangements for the Piano and Synthesizer: sheet music pdf format.

    Thank you for your attention to my work!
    • Registration date: 30.09.2019 10:18
    • Profile views: 5932
    • From: Заславль
    Sheet music and midi - Sergey Kharchenko
    Aux Deux Magots - Secret Service
    My Captain - Roman Ignatiev
    I Will Be Your Sky - Reflex
    Сlassical Dream - Francis Goya
    Cinematic Waltz - Sergey Kharchenko
    Johnny Wanna Live - Sandra
    I Pray For You - Denis Klyaver

    All author's piano arrangements Sergey Kharchenko (7)