Rock Music on keyboard instruments

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  • Love Runs Out - OneRepublic
    Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
    Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
    Everything's Alright - Andrew Lloyd Webber
    Smoke On The Water - Ritchie Blackmore
    In Bloom - Nirvana
    About a Girl - Nirvana
    My Soul - Lely45
    Clocks - Coldplay
    2024 - Anatoli Kholodov
    Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
    Twilight Cruiser - Kingdom Come
    While the Candle Burns - Andrei Makarevich
    Feint - Epica
    Still Loving You - Scorpions
    Maybe I Maybe You - Scorpions
    Ow - Lyapis Trubetskoy
    Oh Darling (easy) - John Lennon
    Love of My Life - Freddie Mercury
    Smoke On The Water - Ritchie Blackmore
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