Songs of the 80s on keyboard instruments

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  • Years are Flying by in a Storm - Taras Petrynenko
    Super Trouper - ABBA
    Romeo and Juliet - Mark Knopfler
    The Eighth-Grader Girl - Kino
    I Want to Be With You - Nautilus Pompilius
    Blood Type - Kino
    Walk of Life - Mark Knopfler
    Star Called Sun - Kino
    Le Vent, Le Cri - Ennio Morricone
    I Always Believed in Love - Placido Domingo
    Bird Cherry - Vasiliy Mykhailiuk
    Last Christmas - George Michael
    Happy New Year - ABBA
    Cherry Tree are Growing in My Mom's Garden - Anatoly Gorchinsky
    While the Candle Burns - Andrei Makarevich
    Kyiv of Mine - Igor Shamo
    Still Loving You - Scorpions
    Happy New Year - ABBA
    A Life of Love (Une vie d’amour) - Georges Garvarentz
    La Soupe aux Choux (General theme) - Raymond Lefevre
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