Author's Song on keyboard instruments

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  • Desafinando - Anatoli Kholodov
    Emelie - Anatoli Kholodov
    Esquisser - Anatoli Kholodov
    7th (7th Star Flies) - Anatoli Kholodov
    There's a Gray Snow Outside the Window - Elena Frolova
    Maria´s Wals - Anatoli Kholodov
    It's Great That We're All Here... - Oleg Mityayev
    2024 - Anatoli Kholodov
    Verba - Belarusian folk song
    Jazz (untitled) - Ekaterina Levchenko
    Polka Inessa - Ekaterina Levchenko
    Letter - Elena Vaenga
    Smells Like Smoke - Nikolay Emelin
    Rip-Grass - Igor Stetsyuk
    Record - Aleksey Petrukhin
    Goodbye, Summer - Aleksandr Zacepin
    I Miss You - Sergey Trofimov
    Christmas Mood - Anatoli Kholodov
    Elegy - Anatoli Kholodov
    Autumn Waltz - Anatoli Kholodov
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