Arrangers' Rating
174916115233381 placeRussian Federation, Краснодар
14281795732162 place
81450698383 placeUkraine, Николаев
6276576414 placeNikolai Kuznetsov was born in Moscow in the family of musicians. Graduate of the Moscow Gnesin Music College (Tatiana Shklovskaya) and the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (prof. Sergei Dorensky)
During studying Nikolai achieved much success. He was chosen a grant-aided student and took part in the concerts organized by Charity Foundation of Vladimir Spivakov, Yury Rozum and Culture Development Fund “Homecoming”. He plays in the best concert halls of the country with symphony and chamber orchestras of Russia and Europe.
He performed on tour in many towns and cities in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia,Italy, Colombia. Nikolai was the awardee of public award “The Future of Russia” two times (Moscow, 2008, 2011). In 2008 he got the grant of the Pricewaterhouse Coopers firm.
He receiver the fellowship and participated in the concerts of Roerich Charitable Foundation as well as in the concerts organized by the Moscow Public Culture Fund. He was awarded the grant by “Yamaha Music” and the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation.
He also received prizes at many international competitions including The 5th Balakirev International Piano Competition (Russia, Krasnodar 2014, 2nd Prize), 7th Panama International Piano Competition (Panama-City 2016, 4th Prize), 23th Ricardo Vines International Piano Competition (Spain,Lleida 2018, 1st Prize), International Piano Competition "Wandering Music Stars" (Israel,Tel Aviv 2019, 1st Prize) -
55393470485 placeTurkey, Анталья
33937264416 place
28715202847 place
26837179488 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
26737179699 placeRussian Federation, МоскваComposer, vocalist, teacher.
He graduated from the Composition Faculty of the Moscow Conservatory (2015), then received an education at the National Research Institute of Additional Education and Vocational Training (2020) as a vocalist. Author of works of various genres — P. D.-C. symphonic works were written (the symphonic painting "Bezhin Meadow"), vocal works (songs, romances), 2 operas ("Peasant War", "The Tale of Purity"), an oratorio, 2 poems, music for children, as well as film music.
Laureate of All-Russian and international competitions.
2005 - Winner of the III degree of the V festival "Northern Stars"
2010 - Winner of the competition and (III degree) in the IV regional competition of composition and improvisation named after S.S. Prokofiev.
2011 - Winner of the first degree of the Moscow city competition "Musical Muscovy" in the nomination "Composer TV-in".
2020 - WINNER of the 2nd prize of the International Vocal Competition "Super Voices". (Pop vocals)
2021 - WINNER of the 2nd prize of the International Online Festival-competition of Children's and adult creativity “Holy Land" Jerusalem, Israel. (Pop vocals) 20.12.2020-20.01.2021
2021 - WINNER OF THE 2nd DIGI-FORM-ART AWARD of the 17th edition of the international project CULTURE CARAVAN Western Pomerania, Poland. (Pop vocals)
2021 - WINNER of the 2nd prize of the International Online Festival-competition of Children's and adult creativity “Holy Land" Jerusalem, Israel. (Pop vocals) 1.3.2021-15.4.2021 -
257681611010 placeRussian Federation, Нижний Новгород
243952073211 placeBelarus, МинскMost of my life I have been connected with music. I graduated from a music school (9 grades) and the Music and Pedagogical University (4 years). I have my own YouTube channel (Kri Muse), where I shoot piano versions of songs by famous artists and make high-quality, as close to the original notes as possible. I try to work for quality, not quantity. I hope you will be satisfied with my work.
180191642912 placeRussian Federation, Омск
165211295413 placeRussian Federation, Москва
144361253514 placeUkraine, село Гошев
1125912315 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
707441816 placeThailand, город Пхукет
65465517 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-ПетербургComposer, pianist, arranger, graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. As a composer and orchestrator I collaborate with various drama and musical theaters in Russia: Aleko, Karambol, Mariinsky Theater, Music Hall, New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, puppet theaters, etc. Music editor of the Music Planet Publishing House. As a pianist I take part in projects performing soul, fusion and avant-garde jazz.
639540618 placeUkraine, Odesa
591851119 placeBelarus, БрестLena Orsa is truly a woman of music: she performs a number of roles, including composer, orchestrator, pianist, producer, educator and arranger. Her spheres of work as composer extend to cover symphonic music, operas, musicals, chamber and choral music, though she is currently most focused on creating music for movies.
451319621 placeRussian Federation, МоскваВсем привет!
Мы инструментальный дуэт, который не стоит на месте и двигается только вперед! Постоянно ищем что то новое и музыкально креативим! Рады приветствовать тебя на нашей странице!
Здесь тебя ждёт:
— безумное количество классной музыки в нашем исполнении
— фортепианная музыка в стиле "Piano Synthesia"
— доступ к нашим уникальным аранжировкам и нотам
Мы постоянно развиваемся и будем очень рады, если ты подпишешься на наш YouTube и останешься с нами! -
42331922 place
417332023 placeRussian Federation, Екатеринбург
342924324 placeRussian Federation, Балашиха
33529426 place
31529627 placeRussian Federation, Липецк
29327928 placeRussian Federation, Москва
28726329 placeRussian Federation, Иркутск
26923430 placeUkraine, Киев
25324231 placeRussian Federation, Новосибирск
24521432 placeBelarus, ГомельProfessional composer, pianist, musicologist, and author of blogs, books and articles for musicians. I write everything, but most of all I love songs, choral music and of course the piano! All my work is on VK and on YouTube (Lev Musik). I make covers and transcriptions at the request of my friends. Member of the Belarusian Union of Composers, Laureate of international competitions.
22316633 placeRussian Federation, Нижний Новгород
21315734 placeGreece, AthensDimitris is a professional musician of many faces. He is a classical, modern and session pianist and accordionist (piano accordion), composer, orchestrator, arranger, college accompanist and music/instruments teacher with more than 20 years of experience. As a composer and arranger he has made hundreds of original arrangements and compositions. His works are played in Greece and abroad often. He has presented several recitals, events, concerts, shows etc. and recorded a plethora of music as a session musician/arranger. He teaches piano, accordion & music theoretics in conservatories, workshops, masterclasses, festivals etc. He is a keen researcher of rare repertoire of earlier times.
2010151235 placeRussian Federation, Люберцы
19417636 place
197191637 placeBelarus, Заславль
175161038 placeRussian Federation, Тихвин
15310039 placeRussian Federation, Барнаул
151115340 placeUkraine, Киев
13812341 placeRussian Federation, Набережные Челны
13213142 placeRussian Federation, Москва
12112543 placeRussian Federation, Якутск
11211144 placeUkraine, Ивано-Франковская область
937445 placeRussian Federation, Москва
616346 placeUkraine, Харьков
311047 place
311048 placeRussian Federation, Санкт-Петербург
313249 placeFrance, Lille
211050 place